Friday, June 24, 2011

Gonna do it, why not right?

So despite my tubby, flabby Appy being fairly out of shape, I am going to make him suffer and bring him to the horse show this weekend.  Mostly because I've been showing the TWH and I don't want to play favorites but also because the TWH rubbed in pine tree sap all over his neck and it looks horrible.  It is going to require some serious bathing to get that out anytime soon.  Or bring out some alcohol, I've been told it works too.  Blech, I am so lazy.

Is the App really THAT out of shape that I would show him when he isn't fit?  Eh, not really I guess but he's definitely not where I would want him to be.  I've ridden him a few times this week and he hasn't been winded or exhausted after our 30-45 min rides that involve mostly trotting/cantering so I don't feel that guilty.  He is better than pasture puff fit, not yet eventer fit.  Good trail ride fit?  Anyway, I have been riding him in the waterford bit this week and am still pretty pleased with the results.  I am looking forward to this weekend to see if the App stays settled and soft instead of the insane freak he can become.  Ahhhh, appytude, the reason I have a slow twist and now a waterford bit.  Everything else is a smooth snaffle of some sort and that just doesn't hold all the appytude sometimes. 

The show is just a local association show with classes that are only $6.  I will go in only 3 classes - 2 pleasure classes and an equitation class, alas no jumping.  He's not fit for jumping anyway.  It is set up so the classes I will be in are classes 15, 17 and 20, how awesome is that?  Get in around 830a, be gone by 11a have plenty of time to use the day.  I love those kind of shows, I hate the kind that you have to stick around ALL DAY LONG.  I am just not competitive enough for an all day/multi day show.  I have stuff to do!

Stay tuned, not sure if I will have pictures of this weekend but I should have stories!  Next weekend is a big hoopla/to-do with us having close to a dozen relatives over.  The SO's aunt/uncle are moving to the area to be around the cousin that fell off a couple of weeks ago so it is a moving/4th of July party with 2 cars filled with people coming up from Ohio to visit/help.  Hoping for the best and expecting a circus, wonder who will bring the elephant and camels?

1 comment:

  1. The horse show sounds like a lot of fun! Not sure about the relatives thing . . . too many people lol. ;) Have fun!
