Monday, March 7, 2011

Wet weather and lunging the TWH

After some weird weather over the weekend, we did manage to get some things accomplished.  I was able to fix the gutters on 3/4 of the barn so now my barn won't flood anymore.  The gutters need replaced but that requires a day that it isn't raining and is 32 degrees.  Freezing rain, ladders, 3 inches of icy water in gutters, not a good time.  A big agenda on my to-do list this week is to obtain quotes to have gutters installed on the arena.  It is 14 feet high and I don't have any way to get up there so it shall be farmed out.  I went to put the horses in the arena on Saturday morning, thanks to the sloppy weather, and was met with half of the arena very wet and a good third of it actually underwater.  Perfect.  Thankfully it drained really well once things got cold enough for the snow to stop melting off of the roof and it now looks beautiful  as we scraped and dragged it and made it usable again.  Yay us!

I did take time to lunge Sinatra again, though not making him spotless, this time with the camera in case he decided to give me the most beautiful trot again.  Alas I did not get what I was looking for, I did get video however until I obtain DSL I cannot share it.  Until then here is what it looks like.  When we start, Sinatra is very wiggly and bendy.  He likes to look at me, see exhibit A.

So... What are YOU up to?  I am forward so I'm behaving.

Even if you push forward, you will still be watched because you are obviously more interesting then where one is going.

You are so nice to look at, so I must look at you.
 The only way to eliminate this behavior is to put things on the ground or attach side reins so I opted for option B today.

We worked on transitions between the walk and flatwalk as he claimed to have forgotten the queue to slow down.  A little trot work.

Until we were finally able to obtain something pretty and forward.
While this is a slightly awkward photo, I like how he is really bending his left hock to put his leg underneath of him.  For someone who had to have injections done last year because of hock problems, I am always happy when I see him really bending his hocks.  We worked on canter with a down transition to trot and it is coming pretty well.  I only got 2 really good efforts but it is better than last time when I only got one so I am calling it progress.

I am riding with the buddy tomorrow and then have 2 (TWO!!!!) lessons this weekend.  On Saturday I am riding with someone that is supposed to know gaited horse gaits!  She is a trainer/instructor for Icelandics however does help other gaited horses with the basics.  I am excited to see what she has to say about our gaits, exactly what he is doing and how to work to get the elusive running walk.  If we aren't doing it already since I don't *really* know what I am doing.  Am hoping for some good feedback.  On Sunday I have my normal lesson, we are concentrating on the new dressage tests so we'll see how it goes!


  1. Yay fun! Two lessons in one weekend. :)

    I think the pictures are great even if he isn't spotless hehe. He looks awesome in that last picture.

    What do you inject his hocks with? Chrome has trouble with one of his hocks so it might be something we have to do in the future, if a chiropractor can't help him (thinking it could be his back).

  2. Sinatra had pretty swollen hocks making him 2 legged lame. When the vet was out and made the determination injections would fix the issue, he pulled 10cc of fluid off his left hock and 12cc off of the right. You are only supposed to get 4-6cc's as a comparison.

    He was injected with Poly, HPM (per the invoice). I don't know what the HPM is but Poly is pretty common and was recommended by the barn owner. It has made a remarkable difference. I did request they do the upper and lower joints, that was extra. I guess local vets typically only do one. I took the recommendation of the barn owner and it turned out great for us.

    If you inject make quadruply sure they clean and disinfect the area, taking at least 5 minutes per injection. Heard a horror story so I don't think there is any reason to "mother hen" the vet if they aren't living up to your standard. Would strongly recommend a lameness eval from a vet that specializes in or is very good in lameness. His hocks were almost $300 after everything, no sense in spending money if it won't help or due to guessing. Most vet hospitals have experience in lameness. Good luck
