Progress is great because the App was in fact sound yesterday. We have been doing leg stretches to stretch out the hind muscles and it seems to have been effective enough to bring him sound. I will attempt to keep up on them because I know how beneficial stretching can be. I rode around bareback yesterday after doing groundwork with the App and got a little Appytude, someone was quite peeved over the fact he got only a HANDFUL of grain instead of his whole dinner since we were going to work but we worked through it and ended on a good note. I will probably ride him again tomorrow, gotta get back in shape for our xc schooling in 3 weeks. Yikes!
Pain is all about me. I did two point most of my trail ride on Sunday and oh the pain! I look like I am probably 70 gimping around but my thighs are useless, painful appendages. I would rate myself at least a 3 on the lameness scale if I was a horse. I know the new boots had some to do with it, thanks to the nice sores on the back of my knees, but my being out of shape is most of it. I am going to push through the pain and ride Wed and Thurs, maybe even Friday. We'll see how it goes, come on painkillers kick in soon!
Finally we have pictures of Daisy and her new toes. She is moving amazingly compared to how she moved last week. Last week was especially bad and she required bute both AM and PM and was still uncomfortable. Right now I am only giving her a half gram in the AM and am on the fence about taking her off of it. I am so happy with her progress. I think it is worth noting that to get her here has taken only 3 farrier visits and 2 xrays, less that $200.
Daisy says Hi! I am almost pain free!
Note snow still on ground, ugh. |
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Hind feet |
The hinds are coming along greatly and I am happy the vet wasn't concerned with them to even feel the need to xray them. The farrier worked on shaping them and removed about 1/4 of an inch in height.
Hind feet. Look at the nice shape |
It is nice that she is actually looking like she has hooves now instead of the the clunky chopped "things" she had before. Of course the second trim was the week I had just gotten her to pick up her hind feet without retaliation on her part so we couldn't do too much with them at the time.
Front feet, they actually look like hooves |
This is what I am most proud of, she is starting to look normal. Armed with a printout of the xrays, the farrier
was able to alter her angles to match her bone structure. We had slight reservations over ligament damage but because she has been so extremely lame we all agreed it was more important to get her correct and deal with ligament issues if it arrived because she couldn't stay in the pain she was in. Luckily we haven't had any issues at all.
Front feet with rear feet in background. |
You can still see the laminae via the upside down smile, we still have a way to go and need to take about an inch or so off of height still.
And just to remember what her front feet USED to look like |
We really have come so far with my lame donkey. I am really happy I have been able to make her life more comfortable.