LRK3DE was amazing. I had the best time, maybe my favorite visit down there out of the 5 or 6 times I have gone. Going on Thursday for the shopping is absolutely the way to do it.
A lot of places were live streaming dressage so I had plenty of time to watch even without purchased seating. But the shopping? The best deals are there because nothing is yet sold out.
The lack of crowds means you can talk to reps for minutes or an hour without feeling like you are taking up resources from others. It was truly the best.
As posted in March, I have finally come to conclusion that we can't make the Trilogy work for Mia. While she seemed okay with it back in 2019/2020, after her Lyme treatment, Mia has been very clear that she doesn't like the saddle. She isn't naughty, but has zero desire to move forward even when being free lunged.
Within a lap of the arena, she will drop to a walk or a halt and just stand. I had hoped that building her muscling back up would fix it, but it did not even after two fittings. The saddler who looked at my County said he suspects the panels by her shoulders are too big and he could fix it with stitching, but I don't want to spend more money trying to make it work when nothing has worked so far.
And when none of the Trilogy saddles from the Trilogy rep worked for Mia, it is time to move to something else. A saddle has to work for the rider AND horse, not just one of us.
Philip Dutton and Z |
With a new to me dressage saddle being my mission, I sat in about 50 saddles in my search to find a dressage saddle. The plan was to find a make/model and then begin my hunt. If there was a dressage saddle, I sat my butt in it and talked to the rep.
Boyd Martin and Contessa |
Some were an immediate no, some were a no after sitting in them for more than a few minutes, 5 made the solid "possible" list. On Friday AM I sat in those 5 again and narrowed it down to two, a demo Stubben and a traded in Devoucoux.
Will Faudree and Mama's Magic Way |
Both were aggressively priced, and thus I came home with a new (to me) Stubben D Aramis II and Devoucoux Makila Harmonie S. I am nervous for the Devoucoux, I've never dealt with a saddle with foam, and have avoided them due to horror stories, but the saddle is super comfy and was a steal. I've also had the carbon fiber tree talked up by different people, so now I get to try it.
Liz Halliday Sharp and Cooley Be Cool |
The actual event was pretty amazing. The weather was great with only a few bits of rain/hail. Not super cold, not super hot. We were adequately prepared for the weather and fully enjoyed ourselves.
Buck Davidson and Sorocaima |
I accidentally ended up at the start of two signings, plus had Silva Martin sit at my picnic table Sat am while I was hanging out. Our seats on Sunday were the best, highly recommend sitting in Section 108. Again, I think it was my favorite trip to KY.
Tamie Smith and Mai Baum |
Unfortunately Mia is still lame with her abscess. Part of it has popped, but the farrier confirmed there is still some left in her heel. I am hoping it won't take 6 weeks like it did in the fall, but I am starting to lose hope at this point, it is just a waiting game.
Tamie Smith and Mai Baum |
She needs to hurry it up though, I have big plans and would really like to make it to the horse trial at the end of the month.
The bank out of the head of the lake is no joke |
Not only that, I have finally found a trainer to work with and am moving barns (again). I need her sound and in good health so we can do All. The. Things. And also so I can play with all of my new toys, so keep your fingers crossed for Mia!
The duck in the water is significant |