So after our last show was canceled, I ended up not riding for a solid 2 weeks. That isn't helpful when we have another show scheduled in 2 weeks! EEK!! We had the abscess and then the family emergency immediately followed by relatives who came in this past weekend so no riding was done.
"new" relaxed trot |
I am curious how well Mia will do with full Novice XC course, the courses are much shorter here in PA then they are in MI so I am not super concerned. Any fit horse should be able to canter 5 minutes when full of adrenaline, and Mia is surely fit. Never fear, I am not planning on taking a pasture puff and doing a Novice course. On Tuesday I rode with a lady from our barn, let's call her B, on the trails and I was able to both trot and canter with her. Not a full fitness set of either gait, but enough of a duration that both Mia and I got a good workout in. Fitness FTW!
Last night we played with dressage and while it isn't where I had hoped, it was decent enough. I rode for 25 mins and worked on our new relaxation frame. I don't think we will be able to get it when we are at the show but baby steps, right? I ride again tonight and it should be a full dressage ride, I need to step up my game to make sure we are prepared!
This weekend we are going XC schooling so I am excited for that. We haven't gone XC schooling all year, just making do with what is at the barn, so I am excited to go over some Novice and Training stuff!! And!!!! AND!!!! We should meet up with another blogger! How fun will that be!
Not too bad, but holy short neck Batman! |
Someone asked how App was doing, App is still trucking right along. His weight isn't great but isn't bad at all for a broken old man. His soundness has gone significantly downhill over the past year, from NQR in March/April last year to a grade 4/5 lameness at the walk. See?
But you know what? It doesn't slow him down. Like... at all. I have been informed that within the past 2 months App has: Escaped from his pasture (regularly, not once or 5 times), run people over to escape out of the pasture, knocked stuff out of people's hand for no reason, JUMPED THE FENCE and encourages the 29yr old that he is pastured with to escape, run around and create havoc with him. Ahem. Yeah App, you are supposed to be broken and in retirement. Being paired with this old buddy has apparently inspired all of the mischiefs that had been kept at bay for a full year. The barn people have repeatedly said "I just can't believe it! He is normally so calm and perfect!" Yeah... no one believed he was an ass when he wanted to be. They do now!
I am trying to overlook his limping because if he is creating this much havoc, like JUMPING OUT OF PASTURES and trotting to see Mia, he isn't in so much pain that he is unhappy. He certainly still has that spark in his eye and will to live and he hasn't let life get him down. I'm hopeful we can get him through another year, he doesn't seem ready to go that is for sure.